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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Boys will be boys.

I was fully entertained at the Cruz residence.  When I entered their home, I noticed some beautiful art-deco styled furniture and art, and then the giant batman mural on the kitchen wall, left from a birthday party.  I knew that the afternoon would be full of fun once I saw the two Cruz boys (who are two years apart but could very well be mistaken for twins) running around and showing off new batman toys.  We played pretty hard outside and the kids were pretty humorous.  Their mom and dad must of wanted to take a big long nap after chasing their boys around.  They rewarded them at the end of the session by opening the bat cave for them and giving them treats.  My initial feeling when I left:   I really wish I could be a kid again. 

Thanks Cruz family for welcoming me into your home and having me photograph your awesome family! 

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