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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tommy & Kasey.

The things that a lot of couples take for granted:   seeing one another everyday, phone calls, texts, or all the other forms of networking and communicating these days.  Most military couples like Tom and Kasey have to wait patiently to speak to one another, or to even have their next embrace.   To be distanced from your lover and have but a moments time together is painstaking yet worth all the wait.  In this couples case, their love has already overcome time and distance, and it's a sweetness that is truly beautiful and powerful.  
 "And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation." 


1 comment:

anne d said...

The pictures of Camden and Kasey& Tommy came out great. We're certainly blessed to know someone who can capture their beauty in photos as well as you do. You're making it way too hard to choose a few, may have to order the whole bunch!!Keep up the awesome job.

Anne (Kasey's Mom)