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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bella turns three.

I have to hand it to my friend Kathryn for raising such an intelligent little curly-Q.  It's been so fun watching her daughter, Bella, grow into a fun little three year old.  As I sat and listened to a whole conversation about the snarls in Bella's hair (complete with quotes from the actual snarls themselves), I was left thinking that the expression "kids say the dardnest things" is a true understatement for her. She also remembers absolutely everything at her age and was even able to paint a clear picture of our day at the beach last summer. 

So not only does my friend Kathryn juggle being a lawyer and an unbelievable mother, but she also started making these beautiful headbands for her girls, just for fun.  I absolutely adore them and think that they are the best I've ever seen!  I don't even think I'm being partial at all. 

My camera and I just love photographing Kathryn's girls.  The shoot was perfect....Bella's great big personality, her tossed up curls, Kathryn's handmade accessory, the winter sunset, and the purple lollipop.   

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