Fine Art Lifestyle and Wedding Portraits serving Massachusetts, New England and Beyond!!!

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Some winter sessions.

We've been quite busy lately.....being parents, taking photographs, and getting ready to re-vamp our entire website.   I haven't been as good of a blogger as I should of been.  So here's a small spread of some portrait sessions from this past winter that  I never got around to blogging.  Hope you enjoy!!!

This happened to be published in the Taunton Gazette announcing attorney Kathryn J. Sullivan as an associate to the Law Firm of Francis O'Boy.  Congratulations again, Kathryn!!!  

Here's Ashley, a close family friend, who also worked part-time with us last fall and helped me chase around little kids so that we could get their portraits taken!  She did an amazing job!

I'll wrap it up with some cute family and baby shots for all of you....


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