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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Landon on a mushroom hunt, moving branches, trying to eat wild berries....

   It's been a long time since I've blogged my son.  Yes, I do take pictures of him too often, but they end up sitting on my computer in untouched folders.  Tonight, I wanted to start putting an end to that.  I want to remember and document all the cute things he does, his inquisitive expressions, and his imagination.  He's recently been very adamant on hunting for mushrooms outside.  This has inevitably motivated Landon to eat mushrooms (not from our yard but from the store) for dinner twice this week.  We continued this afternoon doing his favorite things....collecting branches, examining worms and squishing bugs, listening to crickets and airplanes, and pretending to be farmers.  Playtime is the best time, especially with my favorite little buddy.

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