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Monday, March 21, 2011

A good shoot....

Once, while Bobby and I were shooting a wedding in the middle of the winter, Bobby let his feet get completely soaked in a snow bank just to shoot at the right angle.  He then continued photographing for 4 more hours with soggy feet.  Once, I wiped runny snots off of all three kids with my sleeve because none of us had tissues.  You don't want to know what my sleeve looked like after that portrait session ended.  

It's on these less than perfect days that a photographer feels accomplished.  In order for clients to have their photographers trust, I think it's important to be the first to dive into whatever environment we're challenged with.  So if that means I ask a client to go jacketless for their photos, then I'm ready to take my coat off too.   And if getting to a perfect tree means walking through mud, then I'll be the first one to check (with even my favorite pair of boots) if that mud is going to swallow my clients' shoes.  On this particular March day, the sun felt warm but the wind was still frigid, the melted snow left the ground wet and muddy, and although it was still winter.....we all wanted to be there.  Both the couple being photographed and I were invested.  When I got into my car and took a look at my windblown and dismantled hair, my smudged make-up from the cold wind blowing in my face, and all the dirt on myself (my knees, the ends of my open cardigan, and all over my boots).......I knew it was truly another good shoot.

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