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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


When doing a shoot in people's homes, I get a glimpse of what their lives are like.  I often feel like a fly on the wall, watching normal activities go on.  With a newborn baby that includes a lot of feeding, rocking, and a bit of anxiety because the photographer is there to take portraits.  A lot of times parents are wondering why their baby won't stay asleep the day I'm there.  So now I'm convinced that newborns have some sort of sixth sense that we are all trying to get them naked and pose them for a cute baby shot.  Their initial instinct when put down is....."Wait a minute.....not this....please!!!!  Pick me up right now and comfort me!! Don't let me go!!!"  Newborn portraits are as unpredictable as the baby can be.  It can sometimes take 3 or 4 hours to take a good half an hour worth of good photos.  But let's face it, it's completely worth it.  They only stay that small for a brief time.

I was pleased to see Julia's parents working so well in team as they passed her back and forth comforting her.  There's no doubt that they are completely in love with each other and with their new daughter.  I love seeing it.  The small inside jokes between couples, their happy faces when they look down at their baby, and even the look of concern when they hear her cry.  Life's beautiful moments.

Most people may live their life not knowing why they are here.  I feel like we've all gone through this phase at some point.  I think my phase was in college.  Somewhere in between not knowing what to declare as a major and then not knowing what to do after I graduated.  Then working jobs that pay bills while still never feeling accomplished or headed in the right direction.  I never would of guessed back then that my life's greatest purpose was to be a mother.

While motherhood may sneak up on some women when least expected, others (like Julia's mom, Jenny) know at a very young age that this is just why they are here on this earth.  Little girls will tell people that they want to grow up and become an actress, doctor or lawyer.  But not Jenny.  She always knew that she was going to grow up to be a mother. She knew this at six years old. 

"Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever fresh and radiant possibility."

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