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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mateo 5 months.

On the day my brother dropped my nephew off for me to babysit him, I knew I would be challenged to be supermom.  You see, Landon and Mateo are the same baby...meaning, they both love to be held (yes, my son is spoiled with lots of hugs and kisses and I enjoy every moment he looks up at me and asks for hugs...sounds like, "hug mommy"'s pretty great).  My brother walked out the door and it took me 15 minutes to put screaming Mateo to sleep, and for a brief moment I thought I had to call Rickey and have him come back.  But then Mateo's little angel face fell fast asleep and I felt like I had to take another shower from nervously sweating.  After that episode, things were actually pretty easy.  Landon became my helper (however, he did demand a few times that I put Mateo in his walker), and Mateo realized that his aunt was pretty cool after all.  So during Landon's nap, he put on a little show of adorable little faces for my camera.  I love him and I just want to eat him up!!! 

This pretty much sums up how they feel about each other. 

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