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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Payton takes three.

This was Payton's third session with me!!! I love seeing this gal and her mommy. We managed to get a few shots indoors before realizing that Landon's toys were a major distraction around my house. So we braved the chilly weather and finished up the session outdoors. Payton didn't really want to smile for me at first. Perhaps it was because she secretly knew that the dinosaur she borrowed from Landon was really not going home with her. But then she started smiling for a Brockton Enterprise photojournalist who arrived at the park and began pointing his camera at us from a distance.  From there Payton's mom and I went into song and dance to "Row, row, row your boat" to get some big smiles. And that my friends, is just another typical adventure in taking portraits of a toddler!

This was the test shot.....and it's a keeper!!!!

All grown up and looking like a kid in school.  

Braving the outdoors!!!

The adorable hats and pins are by The Littlest Hat Shop.

Our debut in the Brockton Enterprise.

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